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Hello Spring!

Writer's picture: beckyharderbeckyharder

Hello, Spring! I mean, I think it's spring? It's still snowing some days in Minnesota, so the verdict is still out. Perhaps we will miss spring all together and move on to summer. At any rate, this is the day the Lord has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it despite the chilliness and gray skies. God is doing amazing things all around us, so we choose joy no matter what the weather may look like. Spring brings new life, refreshment, and growth. As we begin to see our bulbs emerge from the weathered soil of winter, I'm reminded of the "new thing" the Lord wants to accomplish in me. It's definitely a perspective booster for me and a chance to re-evaluate and reflect on what He's doing in and through me. I'm hearing the Lord tell me to share a message with you today. It's not intended to be an update as much as it is to be a word of encouragement. So I am following His lead to share a word He has given me for you. Here goes...

I have a special wooden box where I store scripture that has been made life to me in various seasons of my life. I pulled it out this morning, blew off the dust bunnies on top, and read through them. This one in particular caught my attention.

I instantly remembered that I jotted this verse down in my time of waiting on God. I feel like I wait A LOT. The Holy Spirit began to stir within my soul as I read this verse and a sense of confirmation quickened my heart. The truth of His faithfulness hit me hard. God is faithful and His promises are true! The vision Nate and I had of creating a space and place for our weary servants to rest, renew, and reconnect with God was delayed for many years, but it did not fail. God knew the timeline, He wrote it on the tablets of our hearts, and in His goodness saw it through at the appointed time!

The realization that this is the appointed time just hit me today!

Were there times of tarry? YES! Were there times of waiting? YES! Were there times we wanted to give up and forget about it? YES!

But God was working in the soils of our hearts to bring about HIS perfect plan. He needed to remove the weeds, rocks, and pests of our hearts that may get in the way of God making the way. The Lord created space and fertile soil to sow seeds that would grow His plan of Protectors' Peak and what it should look like. If it had been left to us, I know the root system would not have been developed in a strong and sustainable way, leaving it to wilt and perish.

Each day, we see the Lord moving us closer and closer to full time ministry. As we pull up the tent pegs on this season in Minnesota, we run toward the goal that He has tarried on but has now established. IT'S GO TIME!

We boast in a very big God who cares about the dreams you have! In our weaknesses, He is made strong. The Lord uses our weaknesses to display His strength. He cares about the desires of our hearts despite what the enemy of your soul might tell you.

Do you have a dream? Is there a vision deep down in your heart that Jesus has planted? In this spring season, dig deep and seek the Lord and His plan for your life! If your vision is planted in the Lord's plan for you, IT WILL NOT FAIL. It will certainly come; it will not delay. You might be thinking, "I've waited long enough! God doesn't care. He doesn't care about my dream or vision!"

I've thought this many times. God has a reason for delays and setbacks. Trust Him with your dream and vision. If it's His will and He has anointed and appointed it, it will come to pass. If not, He may develop a new path and new vision for you! God's way is the best way!

Take time to dream today and seek the Lord about the vision He has for your life. He is an engaged and interactive God who cares about every detail of your life. In this spring season, watch new life emerge around you as the Lord grows and transforms you. Be in His word; these words will be hidden in your heart that will encourage you in the days ahead. They will change you as they feed your soul and give you fresh vision.

God bless you and keep you in this new season! May you draw close to His heart, receive His blessings with open hands, and thank Him for His faithfulness to you!

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