Welcome to
Protectors' Peak
Shiloh Ranch is 144 acres of beautiful mountain land nestled in the woods of north Idaho. Protector's Peak is a place where shepherds and sheepdogs come to rest, renew, and reconnect with God.
Serving our active and retired law enforcement, first responders, military and ministry leaders.
We are serving our servants.
The men and women who protect us physically and spiritually are under constant stress and pressure. The burden that our police officers, first responders, military, and spiritual leaders carry is heavy and overwhelming. In careers that don't allow much time for self-care, Protectors' Peak exists to serve our servants.
Our mission is to serve our servants by providing a place to rest, renew, and reconnect with God. Our servant groups are experiencing tremendous stress and trauma and are in need of a place where they can let their walls down and experience the peace and healing of God in His beautiful creation.